5.5 Deadly Sins That Would Wreck A Lawn For Spring

You loved Matt's 'Get to Know' article so much, that on a frozen morning, I asked if he would put another one together for us! 

Matt joined us in 2024 after many years as a self-employed gardener. MATT LOVES GRASS as you will gather below. 

He's driven to get the very best from our lawns and that isn't possible without having our customers on-side following some basic principles. 

We want to create as much value as we can - doing you bit is the not so top secret to gaining the very best from our service. All yours Matt!

1. If your lawn is frozen or soft, keep off

Probably the most important, don't mow if your lawn is too wet or frozen. Sometimes the best thing to do is resist and put the kettle on... or service your mower!

It may be worth brushing the lawn off prior to cutting at this time of the year to clear any excess moisture from the leaves of the grass. Cutting when wet or frozen can damage the grass plant and leaf tips causing problems with growth making it difficult to have a lawn that is aesthetically pleasing!

Damaged grass leaves will give a yellow tinge to the surface of your lawn at best, or could make your lawn more susceptible to red thread disease.

If it's the first cut of the year that you are carrying out, be sure you have a serviced mower with a sharp blade for the spring ahead. 

2. Matt means it! Don't just keep off with the mower, but altogether! 

Try your best to avoid walking on a wet or frozen lawn. Walking on a wet lawn can compact the soil which in turn will harm the drainage capabilities of the lawn. A healthy soil is made up of 50% air and if this soil is compacted then grass roots will not able able to grow as deep and as dense, impacting how your lawn is looking on the surface. 

Walking on a frozen lawn can often leave yellowing from the damage caused. The old 'postman's shortcut'!. 

A lawn suffering from frost damage | Kingsbury Lawn Care
Frost damaged lawn with a hedge and lawn care van in the background | Kingsbury Lawn Care

3. Clear final winter leaves and debris

⁠Try not to leave debris on the lawn as this will leave the lawn looking patchy and could also kill areas. With the heavy winds we have had especially in the back end of 2024 its vital we keep our lawns leaf/twig and debris free as best as possible. 

A lawn which is left under a covering of leaves has greatly reduced light and airflow - and this is during the shortest days of the year too. Grass will thin out, moss will invade bare spots and the disease risk increases again. The lovely, green, consistent carpet of lawn that you had during autumn will regress if neglected through the winter!

4. Get Mowing!

Don't wait until your lawn is very long before mowing it. The vast majority carry out their first cut of the year far later than they should be. 

Most grass types will grow at a soil temperature of 5c or above - many people put mowers away “for the winter” regardless of the conditions which is a practice we don't recommend. 

Cutting your lawn regularly, and still occasionally in mild spells across the winter helps to keep it as thick as possible when there is less light for your lawn to produce food from. Even if it is a bit cold and damp, it is important to keep on top of your mowing - there may be a few weeks where you are unable due to weather conditions so don't let your chances go to waste!

Many also wait until March to give the lawn a “first cut” but there is certainly nothing wrong with an early cut especially if conditions allow (February sometimes provides a warmer week than March). Maintaining the density of your lawn then helps to avoid early-year ingress of weeds and moss. 

This lawn is looking good following a spring lawn care service visit  | Kingsbury Lawn Care
A lawn in a good place thanks to good lawn care practices | Kingsbury Lawn Care

5. Consider your mowing height

Finally, when you do get onto your lawn, don't cut it too short! 

With the soil temperature unlikely to be into double figures (providing you're not holding out for April to start!) and with the risk of a late wintery blast it is vital that lawns are not cut too short exposing the soil. This will encourage moss and weed growth as the grass has still not reached full strength yet. 

Lawns should never have more than a third of the total height removed with any one cut, ideally less. Raise your height of cut to start and reduce slightly if you wish as we move through the spring. Typically mowing heights might be:

  • Winter - 25-40mm
  • Spring - 20-35mm
  • Summer - 20-35mm
  • Autumn - 25-35mm

Mowing at the same height all year around certainly isn't advisable - all the more so when considering that first cut.

Keeping a nice coverage of grass by cutting the lawn at the correct height will enable the lawn to get stronger throughout the spring. When combined with a winter and then an early-spring treatment you will be seeing the lawn improve with each cut.

5.5 - Get in touch with a lawn treatment service!

Not a 'deadly sin' this one (even coming from us!) but if you are doing the above, then you're in a place where you can take your lawn to the next level this year - congratulations! 

We get super busy with new customer visits in April and May. We have over 1,500 existing customers who are our priority, so if you follow the crowd only thinking that we can make a difference in the spring then you could get stuck in a queue!

If you're reading this in February / March and want to unlock a new level of colour and health from your lawn this year then I would suggest picking up the phone ASAP as the best time to start is always yesterday!

Get Pricing for Lawn Care Services - 60 Second Quotation, 24/7

Having a lawn care service on-side is key to gaining the best from your lawn this year. Head to our Instant Estimate feature where getting a quotation sent to your inbox is as easy as 1-2-3.

1) Complete your details

2) Click and drop the pin on your house

3) Use the mapping tool to trace your lawns for approximate measurement and hit submit

There is no ongoing contract – see our online reviews and results for yourself! If you’re not one for technology or there’s a few unanswered questions, then we’re available over the phone during usual office hours on 01827 826123.