Danny Barrowclough
25th May 2021

Trustworthy, knowledgeable and enthusiastic team

Can’t recommend Kingsbury Lawn Care enough. They are a friendly family business who are so enthusiastic and knowledgeable about lawn care. Always keep us updated and arrive on time for each lawn treatment. We originally contacted them to quote for complete replacement of two lawns (front and back of the house) which we’d tried to improve ourselves over a couple of years. When Jack came and did the initial survey he said there was no need, even though we thought they were beyond recovery. After only one treatment they were like different lawns. We now have a regular treatment schedule giving us beautiful healthy grass, the clover and weeds are all gone and the moss is well controlled. Stan has done the last couple of treatments and aeration, he has a lot of experience and is equally as knowledgeable, friendly and enthusiastic as Jack. So pleased we decided to go with the initial recommendation from Jack it has saved us a lot of money. I’m sure there are companies who would have simply done as we asked and charged accordingly.