Jack's Lawn Blog

Welcome to my lawn blog!

Here, I share with you my lawn care insights based on years of study and on what we are seeing with our lawns at the present time. I’ll add in some news from the world of Kingsbury Lawn Care, the occasional sports turf post, and maybe a bit on the wider industry and business development too.

You can follow my personal pages via LinkedIn or Twitter (icons above), and if there’s a topic that you would like to know more about, questions that I can answer or any feedback you can give for the site then just drop me a message!

Autumn Lawn Care Secrets

As the days get shorter, it can get tougher for your lawn to thrive. Decreasing temperatures and strength of the sun means that our lawns will lose colour with the remainder of our gardens if our maintenance doesn't change with the seasons too. These are are our Autumn Lawn Care Secrets. 

Lawn Care Coventry, Warwick and Leamington Spa

Across this year, we've been helping homeowners with our specialist lawn care services deeper into Coventry and Warwickshire. Within this post we also meet our latest lawn technician who'll be on hand to help! 

Revive Your Lawn Like A Professional This Autumn

Autumn lawn care is vital for the long term health of your lawn, all the more so following such a hot and dry summer. View our key do's and don't here. Act upon them for the some epic results you didn't think were possible!

Crazy Bowling Green Turnaround!

We love a challenge and to really put our skills to the test. Atherstone Grove Bowls Club provided just that with dethatching and fertilising to the extreme to bring this bowling green back up to standard. Check out some of these images! 

How to Repair Bare Patches in Your Lawn

Bare patches do not have to be a feature of your lawn. This post shares our thoughts on why you may have bare patches along with our our step by step guide for lawn repairs.