Jack's Lawn Blog

Welcome to my lawn blog!

Here, I share with you my lawn care insights based on years of study and on what we are seeing with our lawns at the present time. I’ll add in some news from the world of Kingsbury Lawn Care, the occasional sports turf post, and maybe a bit on the wider industry and business development too.

You can follow my personal pages via LinkedIn or Twitter (icons above), and if there’s a topic that you would like to know more about, questions that I can answer or any feedback you can give for the site then just drop me a message!

What Does a Lawn Care Service do on a Frozen Day?

Not every day is the best day for a lawn care service to operate in the UK. This post is a behind the scenes look at what we get up to when frost or extreme conditions hit and we are unable to treat lawns for a short while...

Three Things you Must Do for Your Lawn this Autumn

Autumn into winter is a key time for the health of lawns, and often underrated. There is lots to be done now to gain the rewards later! These three things are vital for the health of your lawn right now, and as building blocks for next year. The best bit is that they're very easy to do! 

September Lawn Care - 4 and a Half Top Tips for Success

We love September for all the amazing work that we can carry out within our lawn care service. This article shares our 4.5 important must-dos for this month. The standard of work completed in the autumn makes a huge difference to how your lawn shapes up come spring. 

Leatherjacket Control in Lawns

A professional control of leatherjackets has been authorised in recent weeks. Is this common lawn pest eating away of the roots of your lawn? Here is our integrated approach to their management.

A Day In The Life of a Lawn Technician

Sharing a special blog post written by our lead technician, Stan Wallis! See what Stan enjoys most about his role along with his lawn care top tips, and how you can work with him more closely...