I’m not sure if I’m going to be there…?
We would love to meet you, if possible, but we can carry out a survey and first treatment call if you are not present providing we can gain access to the lawns. Following a survey, our technician will attempt to reach you via phone call to discuss their findings before proceeding. If we can’t reach you then we will proceed with the first treatment and email our findings. Hopefully we can catch up next time, but at least the lawns have had the best possible start as soon as possible this way.
How do I pay you?
Our billing is completed via our payment provider, GoCardless, of which we will send a secure link for. We add the cost of services that we are going to be providing between your start date and the upcoming January and divide by the months remaining in the ‘year’ to give a consistent automated monthly payment. We recalculate subscriptions for each February inline with our pricing for the year. We can also work billing on an automated pay as you go basis too if you would prefer.
Should I mow the lawn before your survey?
Where there are moss and weeds, and a lawn in need of a fertiliser application, we would advise that lawns are not cut for a couple of days either side of a treatment. There is no need for your lawn to be ‘uncut’, but 2-4 days since a mow gives us the full picture and gives our weed control products the best chance of success.
Is the treatment safe for pets?
All of our granular products are pet and child safe. All of our liquid products require time to dry to be 100% certain of safety, and for the best results. All we need is a couple of hours of drying time in most cases.
When will your next visit be?
Our seasonal visits are typically every 7-14 weeks, dependent on the time of year with 5 or 6 visits per year.
Dependent on your exact starting point, there may be a slightly longer or shorter gap just to get us started. We will always send you a visit reminder at least 14 days before a scheduled visit, and a couple of reminders in there too. You don’t need to be in – we just ask that access is left available to the lawns.
How will you contact me?
For visit reminders, we send emails from our dedicated lawn care software – so be sure you’re adding us to your safe senders list. Following each treatment we will email a ‘condition report’ with information and any recommendations of our should you not be home. We also send updates via MailChimp, so keep an eye out for those as they contain important information. We add you to this list as part of our service, so if you choose to unsubscribe / not to open then you will miss out on key information such as annual price changes or special offers.
Is treatment now wise - should I hold off until spring / summer / autumn?
There is never a bad time to make a start with professional lawn care. Each of our five seasonal treatments are tailored to the needs of lawns at that given time of year. The sooner we start, the sooner we can be making a difference. Even if your lawn requires mechanical work, we can be controlling weeds and moss beforehand so the problem is already improved both during and after the renovation call. The more options that are open to us the better.
How long should I have my lawn treated for? Is it only needed for 12 months?
Investing into lawn care and then taking it away again later would give the same results as going to the gym this year, and then choosing not to next year. The results are going to begin to deteriorate slowly at first, and quickly later on. Working out a programme which is sustainable from the outset is key to success. Lawn care is an extra layer of maintenance to your garden - not a quick fix. We will be seeking to not just bring your lawn up to scratch, but then keep it there. We’re delighted to have customers who have continuously used our service since as early as 2015.